Marstone Inc.

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Meet Eric Bernier

Meet one of our Senior Software Developers: Eric Bernier. Born and raised in Rhode Island, Eric is an integral part of our Providence team. Coming from the smallest state in the union, Rhode Islanders have a sense of community like no other, fostering the pride of a place five times its size. That strong network of family and friends is what kept Eric in Rhode Island and what brought him to Marstone.

Now a family man himself, having married his college sweetheart and adding two beautiful young girls to their family, Eric carries that attitude with him as a part of our team. With so much on his plate, Eric miraculously managed to create a choose-your-own-adventure game called The Wolf's Bite. Few people could even begin to tackle all the things that come with being a father of two kids under the age of three, let alone spend their free time putting their heart and soul into a passion project. Nevertheless, Eric relishes in this amazing part of life, he even squeezes in time to be a self-described gym rat.

All of this may seem impossible to the mere mortals who crumble under the reality that we only get 2 hours a day for seven glorious days a week. On the contrary, Eric recognizes the value of each moment to be enjoyed to its fullest. As his girls grow up, they are a constant reminder that everything we have and everything we are is temporary, as the tomorrows bring us farther and farther away from the right nows. For Eric, the right now could not be better!